DAO role system

A yeti is an expert.

In order to continue to provide quality services to our clients, we encourage each member of our team to specialize in a specific area.

This will allow each member to become an expert in his or her field, to offer high quality services, and to contribute to improving our overall performance.

In addition, it will allow us to expand our service portfolio and offer an even wider range of services to our clients.


🕵🏻‍♂️ Council member

Each month/semester, all yetis will have the opportunity to run for board member.

The council will be made up of 9 members including the team members and will have the heavy task of filtering the projects before submitting them to the other members of the community!

Each member of the council will have to be diligent, critical and proactive.

9 (Team + Hunter + Threader + Moderator)

🐺 Hunter

You are known in the ecosystem among founders and builders. Thanks to you, Waty will multiply contracts with top tier projects!

You have a good sense of human relations and above all you know how to sell.


✍🏻 Threader

A new project means an explanatory thread. A well-written thread will have as much scope as 100 RTs. Writing a thread will take you time, but you will be exempt from other tasks.

Quality of writing and summarizing skills.


👮‍♀️ Moderator

Keep the chaos at bay and the memes flowing in our Discord community. Fantastic sense of humor required. Apply now!

Strong communication, familiarity with Discord, knowledge of community guidelines & sense of humor.


😂 Meme creator

One of the best ways to capture the attention of an audience is through memes. Project will need you, in order to find inspiration and an identity.

Make us laugh.

🎯 Raider

You are the nerve of the war, at the front! Thanks to you, a project will be able to reach anyone while bringing a maximum of visibility on the short term.

Notification on and ready to raid.

AMA are very important for understanding a project. If you are not afraid of speaking and want to be active in the crypto ecosystem, this role is for you.

Fluent english and aware of all the news blockchains ecosystem.


  • These numbers are not set in stone and neither are the roles. Depending on your feedback and results, the system will be developed to evolve.

  • Having a role does not make you untouchable. On the contrary, you will be exposed to responsibilities and the DAO will count on you.

Last updated